Elisha - what is really going on?
I need some help here! As if the whole story of Elijah and Elisha is not confusing enough, we end the second chapter of 2 Kings with the story of Elisha, small boys, and two bears. Now I am guessing that most folks have never heard of this story and few have really figured out what in the world is going on so here is my version. . .
Elijah is mentoring Elisha knowing that one day he will be passing on the "prophetic mantle" to Elisha, I mean after all, Elisha did ask Elijah for a double share of his spirit. So, Elijah tells Elisha that if he sees him taken away from him (you know on a chariot of fire into heaven) that his wish will be granted. As Elijah is "going away" he drops his mantle and that's when Elisha picks up the mantle and stood on the bank of the Jordan (2Kings 2: 13) and then he parts the waters in a very similar fashion as Moses. Okay, I get all that however, verses 23-25 have caused me some distress. As Elisha is on his way to Bethel, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him saying: "Go away, baldhead!" Well, let's just say that Elisha did not take too kindlly to this. You have to read it for yourself because I just do not get it.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible says this is an example of a man able both to bless and to cures in the name of the Lord. I do not know about you, I still don't get it.
Please feel free share your insights about this scripture text!
Blessings of "bearful", playful, joy
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