a deacon's heart. . .

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Changes in our lives. . .

So, we are packing, and packing, and packing!

How in the world do we accumulate so much stuff? The better question is why? I find myself clinging to the things of our children's childhood. Why? Well, becuase they may want to use it with their children I tell myself. Really???? They want dresses and toys and VHS videos that are 20 years old? No way. They have moved on. . . then why can't I?

I find myself storing things that belonged to my mother. I am not sure why execpt I feel that holding onto these materials items, allows me to hold on to the memories of her. I know this is foolish, for the memories lie in the scrapbook of my heart, not in stuff, but I do it anyway.

Moving helps me put all this in perspective. My husband Chris has been so great at allowing me the time I need to let go of these things. He patiently packs, stores, and puts up with some of these things. He tells me that when I am ready, I will let them go. Well, I am almost there - Praise God!!!

God clings to us, not our stuff! God clings to our goodness, creativeness, love. . .US. God desires to be in relationship with us, all our flaws and quirks. . . US.

This move is opening my eyes and allowing my heart to more fully cling to the one who clings to me. Not my stuff!
Praise God!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Be Still. . .

and know that I am God
The following entry was inspired by Sally Holscher from the daily voice. 

We are packing to move, 
loading the pod, 
attending orientation at Eastern Carolina University with our daughter Chelsea, 
loading the pod, 
commuting to work, 
taking care of the pupdogs; walking them, feeding them, playing with them, loving on them, walking them, them walking me, 
more packing, 
attending a wedding, 
daughters high school graduation,
be still. .
breathe deep.....
be still.......
know that I am with you always......
stop - breathe 
let go - allowing yourself to breathe in the breath of God
be still. . .
I am with you
May you allow yourself time to stop and breath in the breathe of God. Peace my friends!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just wondering. . .

if life was created to be enjoyed, why then do we spend so much time bickering over trivial things?

If God created us in God's own image, does that mean God wasted time complaining and arguing over pointless things as well? 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Seventy times seven?????

Then Peter came up and asked him, "Lord, how often am I to forgive my brother if he goes on wronging me? As many as seven times?" Jesus replied, "I do not say seven times; I say seventy times seven."
Seventy times seven? Really? That is 490 times! Can you imagine someone actually counting the number of times they have forgiven you? I can just see it now, my husband Chris telling me that I was nearing the end of his limit for forgiving me, or our children, our neighbors, or our God family.
Bishop Goodpaster reflected upon this text during one of the Bible studies he led at Annual Conference. He says that if you are having to count the number of times you are forgiving someone, then it is not really forgiveness. Love keeps no track of wrongs!
I know that I too was guilty of saying: "I can forgive them but will never forget." My mother helped me understand this better when she suggested that as long as you cling to the memory, the anger it created, or the hurt feelings, you have still given them control over you which means you have not really forgiven them. Right or wrong this might be, it made sense.
Let us be a people of mercy and grace; justice and forgiveness, patience and love. Afterall, it is what God does for us each and every moment of our lives.
Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Godly Play Resource. . .

Every now and then you are reminded of resources that are worth highlighting ~

Godly Play teaches children the art of using religious language - parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action - helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives.Developed by author, teacher and Episcopal priest, Jerome W. Berryman, Godly Play is offered throughout the United States within denominations as diverse and varied as Catholic, Baptist, Episcopalian, Pentecostal, Lutheran, and Presbyterian. Designed for children aged two to twelve, Godly Play has been classroom tested since 1972. Deeply spiritual and highly creative, Godly Play is also used in schools, hospitals, homeless shelters, and retirement centers.

Folks of all ages at the Western North Carolina Annual Conference had to opportunity to experience a Godly Play lesson during the Sunday school time. The session was led by Rev. Sallyanne McVay and her beautiful daughters. If you would like to learn more about the Godly Play resource, you are welcome to contact Sallyanne at:bmumcsallyanne@bellsouth.net or if  Godly Play is new to you, check out the website. You can also see the calendar of training events listed is your church is interested in introducing Godly Play to your congregation or community. We have many of our churches in the WNCC teaching children, youth, and even adults through the Godly Play resource.
Have fun and let me know what you think.

Monday, June 15, 2009

God is in the business of transforming us and all creation into sacred places. . . What might we need to shift/alter so that our churches can be transformed into a place of peace, hope, love, and joy for the sake of Christ?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Holy Conferencing. . .

The Spirit of God is Alive in the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church ~

Holy Conferencing indeed! Last week at the WNC Annual Conference, we were inspired, moved, renewed, and sent forth empowered by the movement of the Holy Spirit. It is almost as if we have just downed a 23 ounce can of a high powered energy drink - we are energized and ready to move.

Bishop Goodpaster led us in daily Bible studies and Worship focused on our mission: Follow Jesus, Make Disciples, for the Transformation of the World. No more excuses folks, we must get on board, God is depending on us! Our Bishop very clearly said: "Jesus came to be like us so that he could make us be like he, himself!" If you are asking yourself, what does that mean: we are to be the incarnation of Christ to the world, clothing ourself with love, joy, compassion, justice, mercy, and the mind of Christ. Jesus is calling us Out/Into the world, meeting the least, the lost, the grieved, the oppressed, the marginalized, the sick, all people of God.

Our work is cut out for us - are you ready? Can we do it? I pray your answer is like that of Bob the Builder. . . YES, WE CAN!!!!!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Call and Response. . .

Are you ready to make the required shifts necessary to help move your congregation from being focused on program development to people development in terms of core activity?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Blessing . . .

May the great, vulnerable, life-giving Spirit

guide your every coming and your every going,

that you may act justly,

love kindly,

and walk humbly

as God's friend and compaion

on this lovely, lively planet.
sam hamilton poore

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Going Green. . .

The Green Bible

I have to admit, I could not wait to purchase a copy of The Green Bible. Going green is all the rage right now - as it should be and should have been for thousands of years. So I hold this new addition in my hands - feels nice as it should since the cover is made of all natural cotton & linen. The pages are made of 10% post consumer content [recycled] and they used a soy based ink for printing. This Bible really is nice to hold, the cover is flexible/bendable and I like that. After all, if this is something I will be using most every day of my life, I want it to work for me. This Green Bible works for me!!!!!!

I love the opening Canticle of the Creatures - Saint Francis of Assisi, the forward by Archbishop Desmond Tutu as well as the introduction by J. Matthew Sleeth and others. All the scripture references connected to God's creation are printed in green. I did find one scripture that was left our of the green print: Psalm 23. oops!

The Fishing Hole is going green! Sonja has been working dilgently with other "like minded folks" to offer workshops, resources, and links that will help enable you and your congregations to go green. All the cool people are doing it! Check out the resource center at the WNCC Annual Conference on the second floor of the Terrace Hotel.

I recommend this resource for children, youth, young adults, maturing adults, families. . . well in other words, everyone!

"Additional resources include website links, group study and action guides, and a concordance that focuses on the environment. I wish that commentaries were also included with the biblical content, but that's my only major critique. This is a Bible you definitely need to have on your desk, in your church library, and in your congregants' hands!" Sally Holscher (You can view a video about it on YouTube here.)

Let me know what you think - ready to go green? Like I said, all the cool folks are doing it. . . don't get left out! gloria